Materials and chemistry

Today’s operators in the battery value chain have a great responsibility for production processes. This leads to a need for employees with high competence in battery technology.  In this course you will be introduced to the various elements, chemical bonds, and properties of the materials used in battery production. You will receive a basic introduction to the theory of handling liquids and materials, heat treatment, and thermodynamics.

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Dates and times: 

  • 13. 09.2024  9:45 - 11:30 AM
  • 20. 09.2024  8.00 - 11:30 AM
  • 11.10.2024  8:00 - 11.30 AM
  • 18.10.2024  8:00 - 11.30 AM 

Application deadline 01.08.2024

  • Start date: 13.09.2024
  • Credits:  3 stp
  • Part- Time  
  • Online course
  • Teaching language: Norwegian and English 
  • Online teaching day: Friday 

    Apply here